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Code Writing

We Have Many Years of Industrial and Marine Experience

Garry has been involved in industrial automation for many years, we have completed many different projects in various countries around the world.

Our code is all written to an IEC standard and combines the best of SFC, function block and structured text to give you the most robust code available.

If you need connectivity to your factory then we can merge and manipulate your PLC data to display on any touch screen or brand of your choice. We have completed many SCADA projects over the years and are very comfortable in the SCADA environment.

Codesys and IEC…..

We understand analog and digital controls, modbus, canbus, J1939, NMEA2000, TCPIP protocols etc… Code cracking and program re-building is something we enjoy and have done many times.

If you need SCADA application for your business then we are “Intouch” trained and qualified, getting the most from your automation system is what we are about at illumin8.

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